Can you add grass clippings to a worm bin? Yes, but do it carefully. Green Grass Clippings Green grass clippings should be considered a nitrogen or worm food source. So, when adding green grass clippings to your worm bin, you should add them in...
Check out these links to useful worm composting, pile composting, and gardening resources around the web A few of these are affiliate links to worm composting resources that sell composting supplies. If you go through my link below and make a purchase I will make...
The VermiBag Mini is a cloth, hanging-bag style worm composting system that the inventor claims is the perfect system for teaching vermicomposting. The VermiBag was created as a functional, easy-to-use, yet attractive worm composting system that the inventor’s wife could use in her classroom....
A Seed Starting Heating Mat Makes an Excellent Worm Farm Heater I keep composting worms indoors (under my desk at work) and outdoors (on my fully shaded back porch). During the winter, the worms need a little help to stay warm. A worm farm...
Are you proud of your composting worms? Then, tell the world with one of these fun Worm Composting T-Shirts Here is a preview of a couple of the worm composting t-shirts. See all the worm composting t-shirts on sale now through These worm...
“Worm Bin” Book Helps Preparedness Mama Overcome Worm Composting Troubles Shelle from read and reviewed my book: How to Start a Worm Bin. In her review (posted here) she reveals that she has tried worm composting before but gave up after making a...
My “How to Make a Worm Bin” Book is almost ready for publishing. Time to Pick a Cover for the Book The book is DONE! Check it out here
Send me your worm composting ‘how to’ topics that you would like me to teach through video I am thinking about launching a youtube channel. What worm composting related topics would be most helpful covered in video format?? Please fill out the form...