Worm Wigwam

Flow Through Worm Composting Bin – My favorite way to harvest worm compost is to use a bin that helps! Build or buy yourself a continuous flow through worm bin and harvesting is much easier. Flow through worm bins usually have some sort of grate holding the bedding up and are open underneath for harvesting. Composting worms move upwards as they eat leaving the worm castings behind. The very bottom should not have many worms in it. Castings either fall through the grate on their own because of the worms movement or you can use a hand cultivator to agitate and knock it through. The Worm Wigwam (more info or purchase here) even has a harvest crank attached to a blade that sits on top of the grate and scrapes off the bottom layer of worm compost.
For more ways to harvest worm compost read: How to Harvest Worm Compost: Learn 7 different methods for Harvesting your nutrient-rich worm poop!